My Services

Online Therapy

Is online therapy effective?

Absolutely! Research shows that it is just as beneficial as in-person therapy. With its ease of access and convenience, online therapy is the future of mental health support.

​I provide online therapy for anxiety, depression, panic attacks, stress, anger, fears and phobias in English and Romanian.

​Online therapy has become a convenient and accessible solution for people worldwide. It eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to participate in therapy sessions from the comfort of your home or another place that suits you.

However, some individuals may have concerns about feeling disconnected from their therapist through virtual sessions or being distracted by their appearance on screen. I can attest that these worries quickly dissipate after experiencing the reality of online therapy, where genuine and meaningful connections can still be formed.

I am confident that online therapy can provide the desired results, as it easily fits into a busy lifestyle and encourages commitment through regular sessions.

Benefits of online therapy

Greater convenience

You can receive support in a place you feel comfortable and at ease, without spending time in traffic.

Increased accesibility

Online therapy is particularly helpful for people who live in remote areas, or with physical limitations.

Flexible scheduling

Schedule sessions at a time that is most convenient for you, including evenings or weekend days, without impacting work, childcare or other priorities.

I believe that every person has an inherent desire to grow. That’s why my approach centres around fostering that growth.

What to expect from a session with me?

My goal is to guide you on a journey of self-exploration and mindset transformation through awareness, providing a confidential, supportive and non-judgmental space. In this space, you can be confident in being yourself and sharing your story.

When we start working together, I will ask you various questions that will allow me to understand your situation, your background and life history and design a program specifically for you. I will consider not only the challenges you are facing but also your strengths and resources to build upon.

With curiosity, we will identify your negative automatic thoughts and core beliefs and understand how they impact your life.

I will assist you in accepting what you cannot change and taking action to change what you can. I will then help you gain new skills and perspectives to help you deal with current issues, create positive change, and build mental resilience for the future.