My Services

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy

What is cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy?

Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy or Hypno-CBT® is a highly integrative and evidence-based approach which combines core CBT principles (cognitive behavioural therapy) with clinical hypnotherapy and mindfulness to produce lasting positive changes for individuals facing emotional and psychological challenges. Rather than focusing on the trance concept, it places emphasis on factors such as relaxation, mental focus, imagination, and expectation.

During therapy, clients who accept their active role in the process are guided to relax, think positively and visualise their goals, leading to a transformation of negative feelings and behaviours. Research indicates that adding hypnosis to CBT can increase treatment success by up to 70% compared to CBT alone (Ramando et al., 2021). Fundamental in cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy are psychoeducation and self-hypnosis, so clients become their own therapists between sessions.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy particularly effective for mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias including social phobia, eating disorders, OCD, insomnia, difficulties with anger and many other issues, including more complex ones, like bipolar disorder.

It is a structured, active form of therapy that focuses on the interconnection between thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours, helping individuals recognise and challenge negative or irrational thoughts and replace them with more balanced and rational ones.

Through therapy, which usually takes between 6 and 20 sessions, clients can better understand their thinking patterns and learn to modify them to improve overall emotional and behavioural well-being.


Hypnosis is essentially a cognitive state of focused attention, inner absorption, concentration, and heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis in a clinical setting enhances the mind-body connection by promoting cognitive flexibility and enabling the shifting of perspectives with ease.

By suspending judgment, it offers a valuable therapeutic opportunity, often quicker than conventional psychotherapy methods and enables a deep exploration of emotions. However, to be successful, hypnosis requires a positive mindset and a willingness to participate actively in the experience.

Hypnotherapy has a robust scientific framework, and is an effective method for managing pain and treating anxiety and stress-related disorders.


Mindfulness is a mental state of being fully present in the moment without judgement. The benefits of mindfulness include enhanced creativity, clarity, and concentration, improved self-control, reduced anxiety, stress and depression, better relationships, and a strengthened brain.

The mindfulness approach is welcoming, invitational, and compassionate, encouraging an attitude of gentleness and acceptance to all experiences, even the most challenging ones.

​By integrating mindfulness practice into your routine, you can develop a greater understanding of yourself, embrace thoughts and emotions, and improve your emotional regulation.

"Everyone can go into hypnosis
because it is a naturally occurring state where you are in complete control."

Clinical applications of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be used to treat specific symptoms and health conditions. Also, it is more applicable to subclinical forms of certain disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, than to more severe manifestations.

The primary application of hypnotherapy is in the field of reducing stress, anxiety and anxiety-related conditions. This category encompasses different types of issues, from lack of assertiveness, panic attacks, insomnia, and lack of confidence, to various phobias, work-related stress, or sexual anxiety.

Another category is represented by working with mild addictions and unhealthy behaviours, including smoking, nail-biting, thumb-sucking, hair pulling, teeth grinding or over-eating.

Hypnotherapy can significantly help people who want to work on personal development to improve sports performance, public speaking skills, or study skills. The issues can also include daily problems resulting from unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

​At the same time, it can help children and adolescents better regulate their feelings and behaviours, to manage stress, cope with life’s challenges, and improve physical and emotional health.

Working with me

As a cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist, I use evidence-based techniques to help my clients achieve lasting change in dealing with anxiety.

​By tailoring my approach to your unique needs, we’ll explore your anxiety from multiple angles, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of your experience. Through this process, you’ll get the tools and techniques to manage anxiety and stress outside the therapy setting and improve your mental health and wellbeing.