My Services

Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

What is a clinical psychological assessment?

A clinical psychological assessment involves investigating and evaluating how a person’s psyche works, essential in identifying possible problematic behaviours or symptoms, establishing the clinical diagnosis and developing an appropriate therapeutic plan.

This detailed screening should be considered when there is uncertainty about why you or a loved one are experiencing mental health difficulties.

As a licensed clinical psychologist accredited by the College of Psychologists of Romania, I conduct psychological assessments to diagnose a variety of mental health conditions or disorders that affect cognitive or behavioural functioning, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Personality disorders

What to expect?

Psychological assessment involves applying scientifically standardised and validated psychological tools, including questionnaires, scales, tests, and clinical interviews, to identify and describe emotional, behavioural or adaptation problems.

Psychological assessments can be written, oral, or computer-administered. These may involve a series of questions to determine how often you or a loved one experience specific symptoms, or you may be asked to choose statements that best describe how you think, feel, and act.

The evaluation process typically lasts about one and a half hours per session and generally requires between one and three sessions, depending on the case’s complexity.

It’s important to note that psychological assessment and diagnosis does not imply the obligation to continue the approach through psychological interventions such as short-term clinical intervention or counselling.