Frequently Asked Questions

First, make sure you have a good, stable internet connection. We will mainly use Zoom, and I will provide you with the link to the call when we establish the date. Next, find a private, comfortable space. Have water and tissues at hand, and consider bringing a notebook to write down any important information. To fully engage in the session, I suggest you put your phone on silent mode.

50 to 60 minutes.

At your first appointment, we’ll discuss the frequency that works best for you. Usually, therapy sessions occur weekly or every other week. The decision is entirely yours.

However, I would you to keep the date of the week and hour you committed for as this ensures consistency, playing a significant role in structuring the therapeutic relationship.

It depends. The length of therapy can vary depending on several factors, including your specific needs and goals for therapy and the progress you make. Together, we will assess these factors and determine the number of sessions required to address your needs.

For instance, relatively straightforward issues like specific phobias or life changes may require only a limited number of sessions, whereas more complex issues may require more extended treatment. For example, therapy for smoking cessation typically requires just one session.

It’s also common for people to attend therapy for a certain period, take a break, and return later on to address other concerns.

Ultimately, it’s up to you how much you want to work as therapy is a collaborative process, and the relationship between us is key to the healing process and the success of therapy.

I offer a free 15-minute consultation to help you determine if I am the right therapist for you. My goal is to provide you with a beneficial and fulfilling therapy experience.

I offer online sessions via Zoom to English or Romanian speaking clients in London, Bucharest, or any other parts of Europe that align with my time zone.

Limited in-person sessions in London or Sussex can also be arranged. If you are interested, please contact me for details on the available locations.

You can pay by bank transfer (HSBC) or Revolut. I will provide the details when confirming your booking for the first session. Payment is requested to secure your appointment. Discounted packages need to be paid in advance.

Please inform me at least 24 hours prior to rescheduling a session. A session with less than 24-hour notice of cancellation will result in a full charge, except in cases of emergency.

Absolutely! In fact, research shows that it is just as beneficial as in-person therapy. With its ease of access and convenience, online therapy is the future of mental health support.

Take advantage of the free 15-min consultation I offer. This will give you the opportunity to experience online therapy for yourself and make an informed decision.